Project Resources
I-64 to I-265 Interchange Reconstruction
This page contains documents that have been presented publicly as part of the project development phase for this section of the I-Move Kentucky project.
- January 10, 2019: A public meeting was held to present proposed alternatives to area residents and motorists and obtain their feedback. The meeting was held at Ascension Lutheran Church, 13725 Shelbyville Road, Louisville KY 40245 with approximately 90 people in attendance. Schematics of proposed alternates, other exhibits, the public meeting handout and a survey can be found below.
- May 2019: Based upon traffic analysis, review of crash data and public input, the project team selected a partial turbine design with a braided ramp (Alternative 3B). This design addresses some of the short traffic weaving segments at the interchange by replacing two of the existing loop ramps with longer ramps that will pass under I-265.
Project documents:
- I-64 at I-265 Alternate 3B.pdf
- I-64 extension to Blankenbaker Parkway.pdf
- I-64 at I-265 Environmental Map.pdf
- I-64 at I-265 Project Safety Analysis.pdf
- I-64 at I-265 Travel Times Exhibit 1.pdf
- I-64 at I-265 Travel Times Exhibit 2.pdf
- I-64 at I-265 Public Meeting Handout.pdf
- I-64 at I-265 Project Survey.pdf
- I265 at I64 interchange (5 549) Public Mtg Ad december 2018.pdf
- I-64/I-265 Final Interchange Layout
I-265 Widening
This page contains documents that have been presented publicly as part of the project development phase for this section of the I-Move Kentucky project.
- May 8, 2018: A public meeting was held at Ascension Lutheran Church, 13725 Shelbyville Road, Louisville KY 40245. The meeting exhibits, handout and comment form from the meeting can be found below.
Project documents:
I-71 Widening
This page contains documents that have been presented publicly as part of the project development phase for this section of the I-Move Kentucky project.
- October 1, 2015: A public meeting was held at Springdale Community Church, 4601 Springdale Road in Louisville to present this information to area residents and motorists. Approximately 45 people attended this meeting. The public meeting displays, handout and comment form can be found below.
Project documents: